668 CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please call +1 330 928 7744 or send an email to ataorders@atatools.com AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS KNOW-HOW 2 | 3 2 | 3 4 1STAINLESS STEEL Landing gear, structural components, jet engines components, bearings Bur Cut: Single Cut 704 Double Cut 692 Inox Cut 742 2 ALUMINUM Striatal components, aircraft skin, cowls Bur Cut: Non-ferrous Cut 728 3TITANIUM ALLOY Airframe, landing gear, structural components and skin, jet engine components, fasteners Bur Cut: Single Cut 704 Double Cut 692 Alloy Specific 748 5FIBERGLASS Engine Cowlings Bur Cut: FGR 773 4NICKEL ALLOYS Gas turbine, jet engine discs, wheels, blades, vanes, rings, cases, shaft, reciprocating engine exhaust valves, air frame structural components Bur Cut: Single Cut 704 Double Cut 692 Alloy Specific 748 5 1 | 3 |4 Our Aerospace portfolio is dedicated to provide customers with deburring and grinding solutions to suit all applications including new blade deburring, chamfering, weld removing, components marking to turbine refurbishment, engine and landing gear repair. Designed for all metals and composites, our extensive range of Tungsten Carbide Burs and Routers contains over 10,000 SKUs. Our specialized range of Industrial Pneumatic Tools offers a reliable, well-designed and ergonomically enhanced array of hand-held tools to maximize productivity and maintain operators’ wellbeing. Our complementary range of speciality abrasives, from quickchange discs, linishing belts to our unique patented range of Flexi-discs®. 1 | 3 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1