669 INTERNATIONAL: +1 330 928 7744 SHIPYARD APPLICATIONS KNOW-HOW 1PLATE STEEL Units Internal Fittings Bur Cut: Omega Cut 720 Double Cut 692 Steel Cut 734 NEXT GENERATION 6 682 3 FIBERGLASS Internal Fittings Router: FGR 773 2PLATE STEEL Sub Assemblies Bur Cut: Omega Cut 720 Double Cut 692 Steel Cut 734 NEXT GENERATION 6 682 4PLATE STEEL Surface Preparation Abrasives: Flexi-Cut 841 Mini Flexi 845 Mini Discs & Quick Change Discs 839/849 Our shipyard portfolio is dedicated to provide customers with deburring and grinding solutions to suit all applications including surface preparation, surface finishing and general fabrication works. Designed for all metals and composites, our extensive range of Tungsten Carbide Burs and Routers contains over 10,000 SKUs. Our specialized range of Industrial Pneumatic Tools offers a reliable, well-designed and ergonomically enhanced array of hand-held tools to maximize productivity and maintain operators’ wellbeing. Our complementary range of speciality abrasives, from quick-change discs, linishing belts to our unique patented range of Flexidiscs®. 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1