ATA International Product Catalogue
1156 CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please call +353 49 435 2138 or send an email to Panel sizing Recommended cutting values Material Group Material examples Vc (m/s) Cutting speed fz (mm/z) Feed per tooth Veneered panels Multiplex 60–90 0.2 HDF (High density fibre board) Beaver board 50–80 0.15 MDF (medium density fibre board) Twin-wall panel 60–80 0.1–0.3 OSB-Oriented Strand Board Particle board 60–80 0.1–0.2 Lumber-core plywood 40–65 0.02–0.06 Chipboard raw 60–80 0.3 Chipboard plastic coated Melamin, HPL, CPL 60–80 0.15 Plywood (lumber-core, rod-shaped) 60–80 0.1–0.2 Softboard 60–100 0.2–0.4 Plywood, Iminated layers 50–80 0.05–0.25 Duroplastics HPL (High-Pressure-Laminate) (Trespa ® , Resopal ® , Wodego ® , Duropal ® , Formica ® , Unilin ® , Kronospan ® , Homapal ® , Decodur ® , Abet ® ) PUR Polyurethan, Melamin, HP Hardpaper 50–70 0.01–0.08 Glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforced plastic GRP/CRP Aramid fibre plastik AFK (Kevlar, Nomex, Carbolan, Rigitor, Durostone) 20–50 0.01–0.03 Mineral-Acrylic bound materials e.g. kitchen worktops/sink Corian ® , Noblan ® , Hi-Macs ® , Staron ® , Rausolid ® , Varicor ® 50–70 0.02–0.04 CARBIDE TIPPED CIRCULAR SAW BLADES · APPLICATION NOTES 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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