ATA International Product Catalogue
111425 1168 15 ° 15 ° 10-20° WZ CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please call +353 49 435 2138 or send an email to Panel-sizing universal · Alternate top bevel tooth · Thin-cut Chipboard, hard fibre board, plastic-coated/veneered, MDF, HDF Chipboard, hard fibre board, boards without laminate LDF, MDF, HDF Veneers Profiled wood Soft wood, hard wood, and exotic wood across the grain Plastics, plexiglass, acrylics, duro- and thermoplastics Bonded wood, blockboard and veneer plywood, laminated wood Mineral/acrylic bound solid boards/kitchen worktops: Corian ® , Noblan ® , Hi-Macs ® , Staron ® , Rausolid ® , Varicor ® HPL High-Pressure-Laminate solid boards/façade panels: Trespa ® , Resopal ® , Duropal ® , Formica ® , Kronospan ® , Decodur ® APPLICATION Due to thin-cut also ideal for battery machines and for cutting expensive precious wood, veneer, strips because of less waste/battery consumption. Low number of teeth: Coarse to medium cutting quality in all wooden materials, precious wood and solid wood across and along the grain, panel and boards one- side plastic coated/veneered, paper-based laminate, thicker plastic profiles and plates (Thermoplastics). High feed rate possible Medium number of teeth: Good cutting quality in all wooden materials, precious wood, solid wood and strips across and along the grain, panel and boards one- side/two side plastic coated/veneered, paper-based laminate, veneer and veneer packages, plastic profiles/plates (Thermoplastics, Duroplastics) High number of teeth: Very good cutting quality in all wooden materials, precious wood, solid wood and strips preferably across the grain, panel and boards two side plastic coated/veneered, paper-based laminate, veneer and veneer packages, plastic profiles/plates (Thermoplastics, Duroplastics) Due to special carbide also excellent for cutting hard thermoplastics such as thin panels, hollow section boards made of PC (Polycarbonate), PMMA (Acrylic-glass/ Plexiglass). See here also article 11 1430, page 1115 > Alternate top bevel MACHINE For portable circular saws, bench- and sizing saws, panel sizing saws, cross-cut saws, cordless saws. OPTIMAL GOOD POSSIBLE Movie CARBIDE TIPPED CIRCULAR SAW BLADES 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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