ATA International Product Catalogue
777 Cutting speed (m/min) 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 (mm) Rotational speed (rpm) 2 40,000 48,000 56,000 64,000 72,000 80,000 95,000 3 27,000 32,000 37,000 42,000 48,000 53,000 64,000 4 20,000 24,000 28,000 32,000 36,000 40,000 48,000 6 13,000 16,000 19,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 32,000 8 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 24,000 10 8,000 10,000 11,000 13,000 14,000 16,000 19,000 12 7,000 8,000 9,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 16,000 16 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 12,000 20 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 25 3,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 Material groups Application Cutting speed m/min Steel, cast steel Non-hardened, non-heat treated- steels up to 1200 N/mm 2 (< 38 HRC) Construction steels, carbon steels, tool steels, non-alloyed steels, case-hardened steels, cast steels Coarse machining with high stock removal 450–600 Hardened, heat-treated steels exceeding 1200 N/mm 2 (> 38 HRC) Tool steels, tempering steels, alloyed steel, cast steels 250–350 Stainless steel (INOX) Rust and acid-resistant steels Austenitic and ferritic stainless steels Coarse machining with high stock removal 250–350 Non-ferrous metals Hard-non-ferrous metals Bronze, titanium/titanium alloys, hard alu-alloys (high Si content) Coarse machining with high stock removal 250–350 High-temperature resistant materials Nickel based alloys, cobalt based alloys (aircraft engine and turbine construction) 300–450 Cast iron Grey cast iron, white cast iron Cast iron with flake graphite EN-GJL, with nodular graphite cast iron EN-GJS, white annealed cast iron EN-GJMW, black cast iron EN-GJMB Coarse machining with high stock removal 450–600 CUT SPECIFICATION SINGLE CUT 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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