ATA UK Product Catalogue

941 Art.  Outer mm  Bore mm RPM Unit 085440 115 22 11,000 10 FINISHING FINISHING SURFACE PREP & CLEAN SURFACE PREP & CLEAN Art.  Outer mm S Type R Type RPM Holder Unit 085105 50 S - 12,000 GQS050 10 085110 50 - R 12,000 GQR050 10 085205 75 S - 8,000 GQS075 10 085210 75 - R 8,000 GQR075 10 Recommended ATA Air Tools RAB4LR ® 1311 FLEXISTRIP™ FLEXISTRIPTM - GLASS FIBRE BACKED DISCS Flexistrip™ - Glass Fibre Backed Discs • Strong, highly flexible, non loading product which conforms to the shape of the workpiece • Ideal for removing rust, scale and coatings on many different materials • Designed for use with Angle Grinders FLEXISTRIPTM - QUICKCHANGE DISCS Flexistrip™ - Quickchange Discs • Quickchange R and S type locking systems for convenient, fast changeover of discs • Ideal for the removal of rust, scale and coatings on many different materials, where accessibility is a problem or the work area needs to be kept to a minimum Steel High Nickel alloys Cast iron Stainless Non-ferrous metals Paint APPLICATION OPTIMAL GOOD POSSIBLE Steel High Nickel alloys Cast iron Stainless Non-ferrous metals Paint APPLICATION OPTIMAL GOOD POSSIBLE 11 Index 10 9 OIL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1